June 2015 Club Meeting

It was a busy workshop night, with many members braving the cold and bringing in their trees for advice on styling and growing techniques. Below is a selection of some of the trees discussed.

Josh- Grevillea robusta
Collected from a construction site, lifted with few roots. Responded well despite neglect through Summer. Buds back on old wood, the roots tolerated pruning in Summer without setback. General discussion suggests leaf size will reduce with styling cutting back and trimming. They naturally lose a lot of foliage through Summer so should tolerate defoliation well.

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Tony– Eucalyptus camaldulensis River Redgum
Tony has noticed that Redgums in nature have sharp bends and curves created where branches that have died and new buds that have shot on old branches. He wires with sharp bends to replicate the natural features. He has found Redgum to be tough, admitting neglect from not watering has seen the tree lose all leaves, later to bud all over signalling recovery.

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