June 2017 Club Meeting Report

It was a chilly night outside for this June meeting, but there was a good number of members attending from far and wide for the workshop and critique session. Members brought along an interesting range of tree species and styles for display, discussion and for work, and so there was plenty of interest for everyone on the night.

Several trees were presented by members for discussion and / or critique, and quite a few new thoughts on styling of some of these trees were brought forward through good review and debate.

Plenty of careful thought being given to styling
Some discussion from the crowd on the challenges presented by this Acacia howittii
Many members concentrating on the critique discussions while others continue to work on their trees

Among the trees presented on the display table, some of which were discussed by the owners, were the following:

Eucalyptus pulchella, Tasmanian White Peppermint
Leucopogon parviflora, Coast Beard Heath, about to flower profusely
Banksia integrifolia, Coast Banksia, approx 40 years old
Banksia integrifolia “Roller Coaster”
Acacia pendula, Weeping Myall
Melaleuca linariifolia, “Snow in Summer”
Eucalyptus vernicosa, Varnished Gum
Homoranthus flavescens