March Club Meeting Report

The March club meeting featured an excellent presentation by Mike Simonetto titled Bonsai – Propagation to “Finished”. This was a comprehensive presentation and discussion ranging from initial establishment of plants, from seed or other stock, through the early development and training stages, management of tree growth in the ground and in pots, and with a strong focus on development of style, new leaders for the trees, and encouraging the formation of good trunk taper. As in all presentations by experienced growers, there is always something for everyone to learn and to think about in their own development of bonsai, and Mike certainly gave us plenty of ideas and material for thought.

The display table was well stocked on the night, with quite a number of interesting trees presented and highlighted in discussion. The discussion of the display trees also developed some thoughts around species naming, and the challenges presented by continuing changes in the botanical names of quite a few of the Australian native species we have been using as bonsai. Now that’s a field for continuing future debate and occasional frustration!!