Club Meeting Report – 12th April 2022

The Club’s April meeting, held at the Club’s usual meeting rooms, (the Harry Atkinson Community Centre), was well attended by a good range of local and distant club members, some in person and others by Zoom.

The program for this meeting was described as a “Progression Night”, to look at a number of members’ trees and the journey that they (the grower and the tree) have been on to reach their current stage of development.

In total, we had 8 trees presented for review, some with quite a long history of development behind them. The trees also included a good range of species to think about, including eucalypts, Melaleucas, Acacia, Kunzea and Tristaniopsis. Photos of some of these are shown below, as presented on the night, and more information will be in the club newsletter in the near future.

Thanks are due to those who presented on the night, as there was considerable interest amongst members as to what had been done with these trees to achieve their current stage of development.

Acacia howittii, Sticky Wattle
Tristaniopsis laurina, Water Gum
Eucalyptus mannifera, Brittle Gum
Melaleuca ericifolia, Swamp Paperbark
Eucalyptus pauciflora, Snow Gum
Kunzea ambigua, Tick Bush
Melaleuca alternifolia, Narrow Leafed Paperbark
Eucalyptus nicholii, Willow Peppermint