Meeting Report, April 2021

The club meeting night for April was an interesting evening, with the presentation topic for the night being a discussion of Eucalypt growth habits and styles for bonsai, including reviews of a number of trees growing in the wild, and what we can learn from them. In addition, the trees on the display table provided some quite animated discussion amongst members.

The main presentation and discussion for the meeting provided a very insightful analysis of some of the growth patterns and habits of Eucalypts in open situations, and a translation of those into bonsai development. Rod’s presentation was supported by both some very interesting Eucalypt bonsai which he is growing, supported by some very innovative technology, which allowed us to consider in some detail, the environmental forces on trees in the open, and the growth responses by the trees to those influences.

The display table at the meeting featured a good range of eucalypts and some other species, provoking plenty of feedback and comment amongst members.