Meeting Report, Tuesday 9th March 2021

With the VNBC 2021 Exhibition coming up, this meeting was another workshop and critique night to help members finalise tree preparation for display, as well as to get advice on longer term development for other trees.
Once again, we had a combined physical meeting at the club rooms, along with a good number of local, regional and interstate members logging in on Zoom to be part of the night. As usual, the meeting was also recorded on video, to be made available to members for viewing in the near future.

An interesting range of trees were on the display table, for “show and tell” discussion, and some of these will be on display in the club exhibition as well. These included the following trees.

“Old Prickly”, Hoop Pine, Araucaria cunninghamii
Ficus rubiginosa, Port Jackson Fig
Eucalyptus camaldulensis, River Red Gum, collected on club dig day at Mt Franklin
Banksia integrifolia, Coast Banksia, developing in a literati style
Leptospermum sp. (L. obovatum, perhaps?)

Some of the other trees put up for review and discussion included….

Melaleuca styphelioides, Prickly Paperbark, being revitalized after a recent near-death event
Banksia canei, Mountain Banksia
Kunzea peduncularis, Burgan, from club dig day near Seymour