VNBC Exhibition 19-20 March, 2021

The VNBC Exhibition for 2021 has now run its course, and produced another great show of Bonsai with Australian native species grown by club members. We had a total of 68 trees on display, covering a wide range of separate species, including species of Acacia, Eucalyptus, Melaleuca, Leptospermum, Hakea, Ficus, Angophora, Allocasuarina, Banksia, Nothofagus, Callistemon, Kunzea, Baeckea, Tristaniopsis, Syzygium, Agonis and Podocarpus.

The full set of photos of all of the trees on display can now be viewed in Photo Gallery section of this site, under the heading “2021 VNBC Exhibition”.

The show attracted many visitors, including quite a few people from surrounding suburbs who had little or no previous experience with bonsai. The well-stocked sales area, with a very good range of plants, pots, and bonsai materials, also attracted plenty of activity over the weekend.

And congratulations to Ken for winning the Public Choice Award voting for his beautiful Coastal Tea tree, Leptospermum laevigatum, inspired by the tea trees of the golf courses of Melbourne’s sand belt area.